Contact Us: Tim & Tina Jones
Full time Outfitter & Lease Agent
Owners of Eastern Ohio Trophy Whitetails
Owners of TTJ Hunting LLC
(Cell) 724-422-5335
Rules & Tips
Experience Exhilarating Trophy Whitetail Deer Hunting on Managed Land in Southeastern Ohio.
We offer unguided and guided hunts on private trophy managed land.
TTJ Hunting LLC & Eastern Ohio Trophy Whitetails Rules & Tips for Successful Trophy Whitetail Hunting
Rules of the Game
Legal buck should score over 130" gross or an old mature buck that we deem a shooter. A $500.00 fee will be assessed for any buck shot below 130" class Except for youth hunters.
Ohio requires all first-time hunters to complete a Hunter Safety Course or a previous license in another state.
You will need proof of completing a Hunter Safety Course or a previously used hunting license and your driver’s license to purchase your Ohio hunting license.
Each hunter shall abide all State of Ohio Game and Fish requirements and regulations.
All hunters must sign a release form.
No alcoholic beverages will be allowed either before or during the hunting.
No does are to be shot on any stand that overlooks a food plot.
Safety belts/harness must be used in all stands except house stands.
If a deer or turkey is shot/wounded but not recovered, it counts as a kill.
All rules are strictly enforced. Any deviation from these rules, you will be asked to leave the property and your hunt ended.
Successful Trophy Whitetail Hunting Tips
Purchase your Ohio Hunting License online at www.dnr.state.oh.us to save time.
We strongly suggest using scent-lock type clothing and shower with human odor reducing products prior to hunting and the use of scent eliminators.
Practice your shooting and know your hunting ability and shot placement skills including knowing the distance you can accurately shoot.
The use of a range finder is suggested along with deer grunts and deer calls.
When you see a really good buck, there is no question about whether you should shoot. If you do have some doubts about the size of the buck, take a moment to evaluate the rack. Are the antlers as wide as the ears? Is the buck an eight or a ten point? Does he have good mass? Are any of the tines broken or missing? These are all questions you should ask yourself BEFORE you decide to shoot.
When you shoot your deer, make a mental note of where you last saw the deer. Wait at least one hour before following your wounded deer, if the deer is not recovered within 100 yards, we suggest you mark your spot and get our help to assist you in locating the deer.
Leasing Tips
Pitfalls to avoid when leasing hunting land
Being an outfitter in Ohio and being involved in leasing land in many states for the last 10 years I have learned some things to watch out for.
The first place to start is to decide if a lease is the right choice for you. I tell my client that if they are only going to hunt a week or so, then you’re probably better off to find a good outfitter to hunt with. Also look at the driving time and be honest with yourself, are you really going to have the time it takes to use the lease. Many forget to think about the cost of lodging and meals when planning there hunting adventures. Another concern is who will patrol the land and plant food plots or fill corn feeders if you’re allowed to use them in your state?
Once you decide to lease and choose the state you want to hunt, the next step is the lease. First the lease has to be in writing, no exceptions, even among friends, people tend to forget as time goes by, what they first agreed to, and it will protect your interests. Then what all should be in the lease? Here are some basic items to include.
The lease should have a starting and ending date, and describe the land being leased, be sure to know who the landowner is, and do they have the right hunt? It should be clear what game is allowed to hunt and any game you’re not allowed to hunt. It should have detail what is allowed, such as ATV use and driving on the land, food plots or camping, etc. The lease should have a renewal clause, that states how you renew the lease, do you have first right to renew the lease or are you obligated to lease longer than this season. It should outline the cost and when it is due, how many hunters are allowed on the lease.
It has been my experience that leases do not have to be really long or complex, just clear and so all parties involved understand the terms so it can be a long‐term relationship which benefits both the landowner and the hunters. However, if you do not clearly understand the lease then consult legal advice before signing.
Some things to consider when you’re looking at a lease, what is the landowner currently doing on the land and will it work with your plans or conflict. Are the cattle on the land, crops to harvest, or are they planning a timber harvest on the land. I have seen landowners, agree to leave crops in a lease, and then harvest them before hunting season, or turn cattle on the land, or cut trees during hunting season. And is the land for sale? If it sells do you receive a credit? Just be sure to look around for anything that might become an issue and address it clearly in the lease.
Be sure you know if you can post the land, make sure you have exclusive hunting rights if you don’t make sure you understand any exception you agree to and put it in the lease. I have had lease where landowner hunts to or you only have archery or gun hunting only, and no small game or turkey hunting rights. These exceptions can be fine if they work for all parties and the lease is clear to all involved. Many times, you can share a lease and reduce your cost by letting another have some hunting that you are not going to hunt anyway.
There are some things to think about when working with landowners to secure good leases. One major concern the landowner is liability they expose themselves to when allowing you on their land. The best way to solve this is by offering to purchase hunting liability insurance and name them as additional insured to protect them. Years ago, this was very costly, but now many companies have policies that cover up to 2400 acres for as low as $250 per year.
Never forget you’re a guest on their land and put yourself in their shoes, always obey their rules, be courteous and never leave trash behind, offer them some game meat that you’ve taken on their land and always know the land boundary lines and never create problems for them or yourself with their neighbors. Follow these simple rules and you’re have good long‐term relationship with them, and it will open up a good reference for future land leasing opportunities.
We look forward to seeing you at TTJ & EOTW.